• Check the WiFi Connection in the Tablet Settings to ensure you are connected properly.
    • If connected to a Guest Network, check that the Terms & Conditions have been confirmed

  • Check Daymark Gateway to ensure your Menu Pilot app is up to date

    • Update as needed

  • In Tablet Wifi Settings, “forget” your network

    • Turn the WiFi OFF – wait 10 seconds
    • Turn the WiFi ON
    • Reconnect the Network

  • In MenuPilot Settings (drop down from top left corner):

  • The Admin Password is usually admin
  • Click the Clear Last Sync icon (circle with the X), then click OK in the popup.

  • Resync from that same screen (two arrows spinning in a circle), then click OK in the popup.

  • Back on your main menu of MenuPilot, click Sync there

If you continue to have difficulty after trying these steps, please contact our Customer Care Team - 877-620-8878 or techsupport@daymarksafety.com or via chat.